Palo Alto Unified School District high school students will gather from from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. tonight at the Perry Performing Arts Center at Palo Alto High School to speak with college representatives from over 100 colleges, on hand to answer questions about majors, campuses, and college programs.
Additionally, there will be a financial aid workshop presented by Carl Gottbrecht of Stanford University at 7:30 p.m., which will take place in the dance studio adjacent to the basketball court. Parents and students will be able to learn about the options available for aid, and the process of applying for it.
The fair, a welcome resource for seniors, who are in the process of applying to college this fall, will also be useful for juniors who want to get a jump start on their applications.
Senior Tabatha Gourvenec, who attends Gunn High School, plans on going to the fair.
“I think that it can help me narrow down my choices for potential colleges I would apply to,” Gourvenec said.
She continued by detailing what she hopes to accomplish through the fair.
“I plan to ask the college reps questions that I have about their respective colleges, and get as much information as possible to make the right choice,” Gourvenec said.
Senior Maddie Lee, a student at Palo Alto High School, who also plans on attending, voiced appreciation for the fair.
“I think it’s great that Paly is holding a college fair. It’s a great way for students to build relationships with college admissions officers without needing to spend the time and money traveling there [to a college] to visit,” Lee said. “It’s a lot of very useful and accessible resources in one place that we’re very lucky to have.”
She explained why college fairs are especially useful for applying seniors such as herself.
“The most engaging part of the college fair to me is when I can tell that a representative is truly passionate about their school, and not just selling it to me because it’s their job,” Lee said. It gives a better insight into the kind of students at their school, not just quality of education.”