The Palo Alto High School girls’ soccer team will kick off against Alisal High School at 10 a.m. today at Valley Christian High School. Keep checking back here for a live-blog of the game.
10:01 Game is about to start, and it is lightly drizzling with heavy wind.
10:05 Alisal kicks off.
10:06 Megan Tall takes a shot, up and over.
10:08 Aoi Sugihara passes through ball to Heidi Moeser, goalie gets it.
10:09 Olivia Musil clears an almost shot by Alisal.
10:14 Keeper Dhara Yu has her first touch, collecting an offensive move by Alisal as Jacey Pederson protects.
10:16 Katie Foug, Allison Lu, and Katie Foug pass around attempt to put ball in, keeper collects.
10:17 Yellow card on Pederson, she is subbed out, free kick.
10:19 Foug takes a shot, blocked by Alisal and collected by keeper.
10:20 Moeser fouled, free kick.
10:22 Pederson, back in, takes and misses a shot.
10:23 Paly gets corner, Aoi Sugihara takes it. Ball cleared.
10:25 Alisal handball near goal, Sugihara takes, Kwasnick takes shot five feet from goal, goes over for field goal after it deflects off of Alisal. Still 0-0.
10:27 Talia Malchin fouled near Paly goal.
10:31 Malchin passes to Lu, passes to Sunny Lyu, shot blocked by keeper.
10:33 Pederson shoved over, full arm, play over.
10:33 Tall shoots 10 ft away, goalie catches.
10:36 Pederson breaks away, passes to Lyu, shot misses wide.
10:40 Alisal player down, 5 minutes left score is still 0-0.
10:41 Pederson fouled near goal, Lena Chang takes, cleared.
10:46 Alisal is down after collision with Foug, in goal box.
10:48 Half time is called, Paly has dominated in shots, possessions, good touches, and good control. Has not dominated in goals, score is 0-0.
11:00 Paly kicks off to start the second half.
11:01 Alisal nearly gets open goal multiple times, cleared, and then Yu saves.
11:02 Pederson breakaway, crosses to Tall, heads over goal.
11:03 Tall takes another shot, misses wide.
11:06 Alisal takes shot, deflects off goal post out of bounds.
11:10 Foug gets one on one, shoots, deflected, misses wide by 3 ft.
11:11 Sugihara misses by a foot.
11:15 Lyu shoots right to goalie in center of goal.
11:19 Lu takes pass from Pederson, crosses right in front of goal, no shot.
11:23 Pederson fouls Alisal on box. Barely not a PK. They score in corner. Score is now 1-0 with 15 mins left.
11:30 Foug scores off of rebound on goalie. Score is 1-1 with 8 minutes left.
11:35 Alisal player down, Lu tries to take a shot.
11:37 Player still down, players going off field to talk, get water.
11:40 Alisal corner kick, going into extra time. Doesn’t go in play, goal kick.
11:45 End of regulation, score is 1-1, after 5 minute break, there will be two ten minute overtime halves.
11:48 Rain stopped just before game started, but wind is very strong, Paly had disadvantage during last half.
11:53 Paly kicks off.
11:54 Lyu takes shot from 15 ft away, just misses wide.
11:55 Pederson breaks away, shoots, misses above by a foot.
11:58 Foul On Lyu, near goal, Pederson kicks, misses over.
12:03 First OT period over, still 1-1. Teams switch sides.
12:05 Alisal kicks off.
12:08 Lena Chang down on Alisal’s half.
12:11 Pederson fouled, Sugihara kicks, Alisal heads out.
12:15 Kelly Branson subbed in for Yu just before PKs.
12:18 Overtime is over, it’s time for penalty kicks.
12:22 Players taking first set of PKs are Musil, Sugihara, Lyu, Pederson, Natalie Maloney. Kelly Branson is goalie.
12:24 Lyu scores.
12:25 Alisal misses off cross bar.
12:26 Pederson scores.
12:27 Alisal scores.
12:27 Sugihara scores.
12:27 Alisal misses wide.
12:28 Maloney scores, Paly wins 2-1!
12:29 Paly will play either Los Gatos or Alvarez on Wednesday for the Semifinals.