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The Student News Site of Palo Alto High School

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Verbatim: Students share their most memorable experience from Prom

Prom excitement filled the air last weekend and students from all grades experienced an evening of celebration and entertainment at Gilroy Gardens. This week, they’re still buzzing with memories from the event. The Paly Voice asked students about their prom experiences and what the event meant to them. 

“A memorable experience of mine was eating dinner with my friends, then dancing with some teachers in the mosh pit, and then playing the amusement-park games with my friends. 10/10. I would absolutely recommend it [Gilroy Gardens] for a future prom.”

— Amani Fossati-Moiane, 11th grade

“I really enjoyed going on the banana boat ride with my friends, which accommodated about 30 people.”

— Susanna Aufrichtig, 12th grade

“My most memorable moment was when everybody started dancing near the end. It helped everybody connect, and out of all the songs I think FEIN by Yeat got everybody the most fired up. It got quite scary, everybody started jumping and pushing each other. However, it was a really fun experience going with my junior friend, and I can’t wait to go again next year.”

— Ivana Angelova, 10th grade

“The banana split ride was a lot of fun and very exhilarating. It was basically a swinging ship going back and forth and the ride accommodated probably 20-25 people.”

— Harrison Die, 12th grade

“My favorite part of prom was just hanging out with my friends and going on the fun rides at the park.”

— Audrey Mi, 9th grade

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About the Contributor
Alex Chang
Alex Chang, Engagement Manager
Alex Chang (Class of 2026) joined The Voice his sophomore year and enjoys playing tennis, meeting new people and reading.

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