Everyone loves Prom, Powderpuff football, Spirit Week and other school events, yet do students know the people working behind the scenes to make it all happen? The Palo Alto High School student body recently elected the 2014-15 ASB officers by reading each candidate’s election statement, watching their speeches on Youtube and seeing their signs around campus. However, I feel as though this information is not sufficient to really get to know our representatives outside of their official positions. I decided to dig a bit deeper, so let me introduce you to the elected officials of Paly’s 2014-15 ASB.
2014-15 ASB President Claire Liu:

Dream vacation spot: Southeast Asia and the Galápagos Islands
Secret talent: Double jointed big toe and making awesome friendship bracelets
Dream superpower: Time travel
Proudest moment: Last APUSH unit test when she finally got the extra credit question correct for the first time this school year
Favorite outfit: Her turquoise crocs that were donated to Goodwill without her permission
Favorite food: In-N-Out
Dream dinner guest: A tie between Hillary Clinton and Beyoncé
Favorite smell: Coffee
Celebrity crush: John Krasinski, the guy who plays Jim on “The Office”.
2014-15 ASB Vice President Reid Walters:

Dream vacation spot: Greece or India
Dream superpower: Invisibility
Favorite outfit: Anything zebra print
Favorite food: “Maybe I’d eat scorpion or something.”
Dream dinner guest: Nelson Mandela
Favorite smell: Cinnamon
Celebrity crush: Channing Tatum
Favorite song: “Latch” by Disclosure feat. Sam Smith
2014-15 ASB Treasurer Courtney Hull:

Dream vacation spot: Italy
Secret talent: Baking
Dream superpower: Flying
Favorite outfit: “Sweats, haha.”
Favorite food: Cake and ice cream
Dream dinner guest: Ghandi
Favorite smell: Vanilla
Celebrity crush: Harry Styles
Favorite song: “Chocolate” by The 1975 or anything of the country genre
2014-15 ASB Secretary Joseph Kao:

Dream vacation spot: The moon
Secret talent: Creating Photoshop pictures and singing covers
Dream superpower: Invisibility or teleportation
Proudest moment: Winning the positions as ASB Secretary
Favorite outfit: The most expensive outfit in the world
Favorite food: Anything related to Chinese food
Dream dinner guest: His future lover
Favorite smell: Cookies in the oven
Celebrity crush: One Direction and Katy Perry
Favorite song: Previously “Friday” by Rebecca Black, but now “#Selfie” by The Chainsmokers
Find full 2014-15 ASB and class officer election results here.
Interviews for appointed ASB positions, such as Spirit Commissioners and Sports Commissioners, are occurring this week. Positions will be announced on Friday, according to Student Activities Director Matt Hall.