Verbatim: Students, staff react to Trump indictment

Anna Feng, Sophia Yang, and Carissa Tsui

Following former President Donald Trump’s indictment Thursday by a New York grand jury and pending arraignment Tuesday, The Paly Voice asked Palo Alto High School students and staff for their thoughts on the trial and future candidacy.

(Photo: Anna Feng)

“In terms of him [Trump] running for president there will definitely be effects, but at this point I feel like he’s done so many things, yet he always has such a big group of people who are standing with him no matter what. I do think that now we have concrete evidence for those people who are still voting for him that he is not fit to run this country, or he should be in jail.”

— junior Hailey Kleiner 

(Photo: Carissa Tsui)

“One of the principles of our Constitution is that presidents, even the rulers of our country, be held accountable to the same system of laws that other Americans are – nobody’s above the law. I think it’s interesting times and the fact that he’s announced [his run for president] so early, he’s probably tried to insulate himself from some of the criminal charges.”

— history teacher, Adam Yonkers

(Photo: Sophia Yang)

“That [misrepresenting business expenses] should be illegal. If you break any type of law, you shouldn’t be able to run for president.”

— sophomore Riley Kumagai

(Photo: Anna Feng)

“It was a good thing that he [Trump] was indicted. I hope that it deters him from running for president, and if he still decides to do it, I hope that the people who are potentially going to vote for him are going to take that into consideration.”

— senior Willow Steele

(Photo: Anna Feng)

“I’m glad that this situation [Trump’s indictment] is being brought to light, and I’m glad that we’re being more aware about this issue because it really shows his actions and how it can negatively affect his campaign in the future. There’s definitely going to be some controversy.”

— sophomore Kennedy Do