Palo Alto High School’s spring choir concert will take place at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Grace Lutheran Church.
The concert, titled “From the Ground Up,” will feature arrangements by Mozart and Schubert, and include performances from not only the Concert Choir but also by Madrigal Singers, Beginning Choir, Spectrum Singers and Men’s Chorus.
“I’m very excited because we are performing the entire ‘Schubert Mass’ in G with the orchestra,” junior choir member Georgina Wu said. “The most exciting part I think is we get to work with them and we sound really good together.”
While the Concert Choir is performing the ‘Schubert Mass’ and folk songs at the beginning of the concert, English love songs, pop songs and Jewish songs will be performed by the Beginning Choir, Spectrum Singers and Men’s Chorus afterwards. There will also be multiple soloists throughout the concert, according to Wu.
Junior choir member Anisha Patwardhan says that the choir has been working very hard to prepare for the concert.
“The spring concert is always a performance that displays our hard work and dedication throughout the year, so I am looking forward to showing off our best efforts,” Patwardhan said. “Concert Choir has been working really hard to make sure that all of the pieces have the right dynamics, phrasing and energy.”
Tickets cost $10 for adults, $5 for seniors and students and children ages 12 and under are free.
According to choir teacher Michael Najar, the concert “looks to the earth and sky for its inspiration.”