The Mitchell Park Library and Community Center hopes to help Palo Alto high school students study for finals by providing various activities and resources for teens during its ‘Finals Cram Slam’ from May 25 to May 26.
The main purpose of the Finals Cram Slam is to provide students with study space, according to Teen Services Librarian Gina Martinez.
“We want high school students to have a place to study for finals,” Martinez said. “ The Mitchell Park Library and Community Center has plenty of table space for students to finish a group project and collaborate with others. We’ll be open until 10 p.m. on May 25 and 26.”
One new feature the library will be offering this year is a special quiet study room, according to Martinez.
“This year, we are planning to have the Adobe Room be an extra large designated quiet room for those who study best solo,” Martinez said.
In addition to study space, the Mitchell Park Library will be providing teens with other resources, according to Martinez.
“We will also be offering snacks and free games during your breaks from studying,” Martinez said. “Students can take a break in the Teen Center to play on the WiiU, Xbox One, board games, air hockey and ping-pong tables. Therapy dogs will be visiting the library to de-stress, too.”
Bringing in therapy dogs have been successful in the past, according to Martinez.
“I had a request from one teen back in December who told me she had been looking forward to Finals Cram Slam just so she could see and get a visit from our therapy dogs,” Martinez said. “From the moment she saw one of our pups she was smiling from ear to ear, and it is a good feeling to know we are helping students de-stress. The Mitchell Park Library and Community Center care a lot about our youth, and we are always striving to keep them happy, even while studying, when they are here.”

This year, the library and its student leadership team, the Teen Library Advisory Board, are hoping to increase student wellness during finals through a new project, according to Martinez.
“TLAB and Mitchell Park Library are starting a movement, called ‘Post-its for Positivity’ for students during finals week,” Martinez said. “We are asking all adults-teachers, parents, school librarians, and library patrons during the month of April and May to a write messages for high school students on post-it notes as encouragement for students during f
inals week. My goal is to show teens that they are cared about and valued in their community.”
People who wish to write a Post-it of encouragement can stop by the Mitchell Park, Rinconada or Children’s Library locations to write a handwritten message on a post-it during the months of April and May or send your typed note to [email protected].