Palo Alto High School students will host a yoga class on the Quad during Tutorial, which will continue every Tuesday.
According to junior and co-event coordinator Cezanne Lane who is working with junior coordinator Teddie Stewart, the event is a way to expose yoga to the teen community.
“We want to bring yoga to the youth community,” Lane said. “It has been a really important aspect of my life and helps me to manage my stress and we both feel that we want others to have the opportunity to do the same.”
Due to this year’s enforcement of mandatory Tutorial, Stewart says that yoga is a great way to help students become more mindful.
“We understand that not all of you [students] have the time/effort to drop what you’re doing to do yoga,” Stewart said in a post to the “Yoga on the Quad” Facebook group. “Since Tutorial is now mandatory and it’s meant to help students (not just with school work), we should all take advantage of this opportunity and try yoga. I promise you will see a difference in your attitude after it’s done.”
According to Stewart, she and Lane worked with Yogaworks instructor Lisa Haley to create a class in which students are able to see the benefits of yoga. Haley will lead the session.
“There is no prior experience needed and you can wear whatever you’d like,” Lane said.
According to junior Yashvi Tibrewal, the class is a great opportunity because it exposes students to things they might not otherwise try.
“I think it’s great that the school is taking the effort to organize these things on campus because it makes it easier for students to try out new things, such as yoga, that we may otherwise not end up trying at home,” Tibrewal said. “It’s also a great use of Tutorial time for when we don’t feel like doing homework.”