Palo Alto High School’s first Hogwarts Week ended with a junior victory today when the juniors clinched the lead from the sophomores after Friday’s final Quidditch match on Paly’s lacrosse field, according to Paly’s Associated Student Body.
The juniors beat the seniors 50-20 during today’s finals after catching the Snitch, which gave them a 30 point bonus. The juniors ended with 980 points, and the seniors came in second place with 920 points. The sophomores finished 20 points short of the seniors, while the freshmen ended with 780 points, according to Paly’s Associated Student Body.

Throughout the week, students participated in various Harry Potter-themed activities. Paly ASB assigned a Hogwarts house to each class with seniors as Gryffindor, juniors as Slytherin, sophomores as Ravenclaw and freshmen as Hufflepuff. Students generally enjoyed the new Hogwarts Week and its events.
“Hogwarts Week was super fun,” senior Sonty Visuthikraisee said. “I especially liked the first day where we got to dress up and show off all our Hogwarts spirit.”
According to senior Maeve Lavelle, the activities also provided an opportunity for classes to bond.
“I think that Hogwarts Week was a great way for each class to bond before the end of the year,” Lavelle said.
Hogwarts week was also successful from an ASB standpoint in terms of student participation in all events.
“I think that Hogwarts week went really, really well,” Sophomore Vice President Anmol Nagar said. “So many people were able to be involved in the Triwizard Tournament, trivia and Quidditch games.”
Among the three events, the Quidditch event, held during Lunch of Thursday and Friday, was the most popular.
Senior Anna Dukovic enjoyed participating in the new activity.
“It was fun to try something new [Quidditch] and do something with our class again outside of Spirit Week,” Dukovic said.
ASB is sponsoring another event during the week of May 18 called Sports Fest, which will replace the annual powderpuff football.
“Hogwarts Week is actually not a replacement for powderpuff,” Nagar said. “Our first annual spring Sports Fest will take place in a couple weeks. Sports Fest involves the sporting aspect of powderpuff in a series of even more games, including flag football, throughout the week.”
According to Nagar, ASB looks to continue these spring events in future years.
“Hogwarts Week and Sports Fest are both things we hope to continue as Paly traditions,” Nagar said.