Paly Voice to launch stock index. Can you help?

Evan Baldonado, Webmaster and Engagement Manager

The Paly Voice is currently working to revive The Vike — a celebratory and informal stock market index last seen on our website in 2007 — and we are hoping you can help.

Similar to indices including the DOW, NASDAQ, and SP500, the new and improved VIKE will track the performance of a selection of stocks linked to Palo Alto High School alumni. Significantly, nobody will actually be able to trade in The VIKE unless they choose to invest independently in the stocks it includes.

Stocks will be chosen in part based off of recommendations from our community. We are looking for alumni with strong connections (founder, board member, etc.) to publicly traded companies. These alumni will be honored through their company’s inclusion on the VIKE index and through profiles on The Paly Voice, as we work to publicize the contributions of our graduates.

If you know of anyone who would fit these requirements, please fill out the form below. Thank you in advance for helping us with this project.