Palo Alto High School’s Seventh Annual Career Month Speaker Series started yesterday during lunch in the library and will continue through March 12. Unlike in previous years, this year, Paly Career & Community Engagement Advisor Christina Owen is working with a student leadership team to organize the event.
“The biggest change by far is the implementation of a student leadership team,” Owen said. “The team of five students has been working for the past four months to produce the event, with me as their advisor.”
According to co-chair of the student planning committee, junior Pryia Misner, the purpose of the series is to help students plan for the future.
“The committee is hoping to expose Paly students to a wide range of careers so that they start thinking about their future and imagine themselves in different fields,” Misner said. “Hopefully this will help them solidify prior interests as well as discover new passions.”
This year’ speakers cover a variety of occupations from new technology to sports.

“Some of the more unique speakers we have coming are the people who are responsible for the Google driverless car, as well as NFL officials,” Misner said.
In addition to learning about careers, the first 250 students to attend will also receive free lunch, according to Owen.
Junior Eric Chiang attended the Speaker Series yesterday after a positive experience last year.
“I’m excited to learn about the different fields,” Chiang said. “I feel like some people go for the food, but the talks are pretty informative. [Last year] I liked the hands-on talks: when the speakers brought in stuff so I’m hoping there will be some of those this year.”
The Speaker Series continues tomorrow with speakers covering lung surgery in the SSRC and city economic development in the ERC.