The Palo Alto Weekly released a story early Friday morning that contained information about the district’s investigation into the behavior of former Palo Alto High School Principal Phil Winston.
According to the Weekly’s story, Winston, who is currently a special education teacher at Jordan Middle School, received a formal notice from the Palo Alto Unified School District lawyers on Aug. 13 stating that six student — and four staff — related incidences of misconduct would require him to take actions including “refraining from using profanity, sexual comments and innuendo, and derogatory terms; commenting on the physical attributes and the dress of students or colleagues; having any physical contact with students or staff; and engaging in actions and language that are flirtatious or sexual in nature; as well as complete a sexual-harassment prevention training within 90 days.”
“It is important to note that the statements and inferences contained in the packet lack context and are as a result highly misleading,” Winston said to the Weekly. “They inaccurately represent me and my character. In addition, they do not represent my performance over time, but rather highlight a short period of time during which I was under extreme pressure, stress and had personal challenges.”
We will continue to cover this story as more information becomes available.