The administration still does not know the culprit of the vandalization that took place on walls and pillars of Palo Alto High School’s open-air breezeways Saturday.
Discovered on Sunday the graffiti was painted over early Monday morning and a police report was filed, but the event still needs proper closure.

Assistant Principal Jerry Berskon believes that the vandalism was not intentionally mean-spirited.
“I don’t think it was anything super malicious,” he said. “It wasn’t anything against the school or a student.”
Nevertheless, the incident was reported to the Palo Alto Police Department. “It’s kind of tough [to find who did it],”Berkson said. “But we sent in pictures to the police so they can try to match it up.”
The damage was undone quickly and easily, as the pillars were entirely painted over by 7:30 a.m. on Monday morning, and most of Paly’s student body remain ignorant to the misdemeanor. However, this is
not necessarily the end of the problem. According to Berkson, this is not the first time Paly has been the target of graffiti and other forms of vandalism.
Whether or not this is the work of the same group or individual is currently unknown, but these unauthorized murals were a surprising and unwanted “welcome back” present for the Paly administration.