Grace Donzelli and Maya Shemtov recap the week of Jan. 11-15. Below is a complete transcript of the above podcast.
Donzelli: Hi Paly, this is Grace Donzelli and Maya Shemtov of The Paly Voice, bringing you the latest news from the Paly campus for the week of Jan. 10-15.
Shemtov: On Tuesday, the Palo Alto Board of Education approved the schematic designs for the new Media Arts building, as well as new social science and math buildings. The construction will necessitate moving portables onto the Memorial Plaza in the middle of the quad.
Donzelli: On Wednesday, the Paly Link Crew held a “Cocoa and Cram” session for freshmen in front of the library.
Shemtov: The Paly coat drive to benefit the Midpeninsula homeless finished up today. If you have any old coats, drop them off at bins in the library by the end of today.
Donzelli: Paly, remember that finals are next week. Finals for periods one and four are on Tuesday, periods two, five, and seven are on Wednesday, and periods three and six are on Thursday.
Shemtov: There will be no school on Monday, so make sure to get some studying in!
Donzelli: This has been Grace Donzelli and Maya Shemtov of The Paly Voice. If you have any news that you think we might have missed, e-mail us at [email protected].