This was an exciting week in the television world, as some television shows returned after their spring finales. In addition to these recurrent series, television networks introduced an influx of new shows ranging from witchcraft in Eastwick, life of a divorcee in Cougar Town, and continued drama in an all-too-famous hospital in Grey’s Anatomy.
Warning: spoilers ahead!
In the new show Eastwick, viewers are welcomed to a small town, Eastwick, at the edge of New England that is rather normal if one minute detail is overlooked—a long time ago women in this town practiced witchcraft.
These characters are appealingly quirky and have characteristics that separate them from other figures on different shows. Roxy (Rebecca Romijn), is an artist whose stalled career is only one of her many problems. Joanna (Lindsay Price) is an overlooked journalist who is unnaturally awkward every time her crush, Will (Johann Urb), approaches her. Kat (Jaime Ray Newman) is an overwhelmed mother who must cope with raising her young children and a husband that has the maturity level of a 7-year old. These characters are appealingly quirky and have characteristics that separate them from other figures on different shows.
Thinking that they have nothing to lose, Joanna, Roxy and Kat all make their wish at the same fountain. Sure enough, these former strangers come together and form a close bond. This somewhat unrealistic event is too much, and makes the show seem like it is part of a cliche movie where anything can happen with magic, which distracts viewers from paying attention to what is really happening.
The three women start to discover their unknown powers not long after they meet. Joanna has the ability to hypnotize people with her eyes, Roxy is able to see into the future, and Kat can control the weather. These special gifts are what will really make this show successful because it is not in other shows.
Along with these gifts comes Darryl Van Horne– a wealthy, dapper, and mysterious man who has the whole town talking. He helps the women discover their hidden powers. He even uses his bad boy charm to get Roxy to fall for him. But outside of all the fun and games, there are subtle hints that imply he has an ulterior motive for coming to Eastwick. This slightly arrogant persona is refreshing because he seems to represent both the good, by helping the women, and the bad, by hiding his ulterior motive.
The premiere of the new, magical show Eastwick left viewers curious, wondering just how these normal ladies’ lives could change and they could suddenly get everything they wished for. But we all have to wonder, does this dream come at a price?
Cougar Town
In Cougar Town’s genuine attempt to show people how tough it is nowadays for divorcees to find a man, Courtney Cox definitely did not disappoint as the show’s lead actress. She captures her character’s persona almost perfectly, mastering the emotions necessary to portray this situation. The awkward moments during her journey to put herself “out there” are priceless, making this show even more appealing.
Cox plays Jules Cobb, a newly single mother who realizes she is running out of time to get back on the market and find a good guy because of the plethora of younger women that steal all her possible choices.
One other source of the show’s hilarious awkwardness comes from Jule’s son, Travis (Dan Byrd) having to deal with his fair share of humiliation as his mother forgets to keep her “quest for a man” separate from her son’s life. Furthermore, his father becomes the new landscaper at his school. Sorry kid, life is rough. But it definitely provides the show with entertainment.
Tired of failed attempts to get a man, she decides to be proactive and go to a hip bar with Laurie, to find a hot younger man to hook up with. She finds one and after moments of hesitation and sleeps with him, more than once.
This show has a healthy balance of witty humor and a handful of perhaps inappropriate innuendos that keeps its audience laughing while gaining new respect for all the single mothers out there. This show has a lot of potential because of its great cast and its unique plot.
Grey’s Anatomy
With one of the most dramatic finales in spring television, the Grey’s Anatomy premiere was one of the most anticipated returns on television, but failed to live up to its high expectations.
The premiere started off right where the finale ended: Izzie (Katherine Heigl) and George’s (T.R. Knight) lives were still on the line and no one knew who was going to live.
In the opening scene, fans find out that George passes away and Izzie lives. This does not come to a surprise as George’s character had run its course and had little left to expand on. Izzie’s case was the exact opposite because of her recent marriage to Alex Karev (Justin Chambers), which can create several new stories. In addition, the public found out Knight was not returning for the next season, before the premiere aired.
But things do not go back to normal. Izzie’s relationship with Alex (Justin Chambers) is patchy after her sudden resurrection, and now she must also cope with losing her best friend. Alex’s new restrained attitude towards Izzie is rather uncalled for, seeing as she was the one who had to go through losing her friend and almost dying. Come on Alex, fans expect more from you.
Lexie and her boyfriend, Marc Sloan (Eric Dane), finally move into an apartment together. It is about time the producers stopped wasting valuable airtime on this relationship.
Not all the couples have Lexie and Marc’s luck. Christina has to force herself to stop avoiding the inevitable talk about past events in order to have a sturdy future with her boyfriend, Dr. Hunt.
In addition to the many pressures Derek (Patrick Dempsey), the head of neurosurgery, must face, he now has to choose whether to take his boss’s position without telling him, or be the better man and warn his boss, Richard, who is the head of the hospital. Being the gentleman all women love him to be, he tells Richard. In the end, Richard chooses to merge his hospital, Seattle Grace, with Mercy West. This is a move that is unsettling to many because now they must fear losing their jobs. Richard needs to start thinking about the long term impact his actions will have on his hospital, and stop worrying about his own job.
The show’s past episodes were so intense and the buildup was so great that viewers assumed the premiere would be no less dramatic. It is somewhat disappointing that Grey’s Anatomy did not start the season with a bigger bang. I was expecting some big event that would set up the rest of the season. I wanted to know how they identified George’s body because in the beginning of the premiere there was speculation as to if it really was his body.
Though the promos deem this the season that changes everything, the premiere is not a clear indication of this.