Paly’s Associated Student Body is currently working on making this year’s Spirit Week and Homecoming dance successful.
This year the Paly administration and ASB made many changes to Spirit Week and the Homecoming dance. One that will affect students the most is the new set of rules regarding dancing at school dances. The Paly administration has relaxed its earlier rigid rules about “inappropriate dancing” at school dances and agreed to try Gunn’s policy (freaking is allowed but legs can’t be off the ground and people can’t dance lower than 45 degrees from the vertical). Gunn made a video showing what is appropriate and what is not for school dances and it will be shown as students enter the dance as well as on InFocus.
ASB decided to add another aspect to Spirit Week this year by letting individuals keep score of class points throughout the week. The Viking Call dispatched by the ASB, will be distributed around campus to provide Spirit Week updates.
“We decided to add this so that there would be less confusion about class points,” ASB tech communications officer Jonathan Shan said.
Spirit Week begins Oct. 29 and ends Nov. 2, when the varsity football team will face off against the Los Altos Eagles for the homecoming game at 7:30 p.m. ASB is hosting the Homecoming dance the following Saturday, Nov. 3. The dance will be from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in the boy’s gym and doors will close at 8:30 p.m. The Homecoming theme will be Jungle, and students are expected to dress either for the theme or semi-formally. Dance tickets will cost $5 with an ASB card and $10 dollars check same thing without. Guest tickets cost $10 and guest forms can be found online at or in the Student Activities Office.
According to tradition, the overall themes (dress up days) for each day of Spirit Week at Paly remain the same from year to year, unlike Gunn’s.
Monday is class theme day and the freshman will dress as farmers, the sophomore as celebrities, the juniors as nerds, and the seniors will dress 80’s.
Tuesday is salad dressing day: the freshmen are healthy choice, sophomores are ranch, juniors are thousand island, and the seniors are Caeser.
Wednesday doubles as color day and Halloween. The freshmen are orange, sophomores are red, juniors are yellow, and the seniors are green.
On Thursday the freshmen will dress as babies, the sophomores as teeny boppers, the juniors as sophisticates, and the seniors will be senior citizens. Also, the traditional before-school rally will take place from 7:50 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
“There will be food and it is an opportunity for people to cheer on their classes,” spirit commissioner Morgan Pichinson said.
On Friday the Paly campus will be entirely green as students show their school pride, with the seniors dressed in camouflage. The after school rally will have the usual floats, spirit dances, and the teacher’s dance.
The last chance to earn points is Saturday before the dance during float disablement. This year, not only will the seniors “go green,” but so will the entire school.
“We took an inventory so we don’t order too much tissue paper this year,” sophomore Site Council representative Olivia Diamond said. “We are also reusing the left over tissue paper from last year.”