A 17-year-old girl Gunn student was abducted less than a mile from Gunn High School between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Tuesday. She was sexually assaulted and escaped about 90 minutes after the abduction, police said.
Police describe the suspect as a black man between the ages of 20 and 30 with short hair. He is described as clean-shaven and was last seen wearing a blue sweatshirt.
According to police, the man struck her several times in the face, and dragged her to his car. He then drove her to Sunnyvale where he sexually assaulted her and she escaped.
Police say they will increase both day and night patrols today for Halloween.
A notice will be released to third period classes today to be read by teachers regarding the kidnapping and assault.
It states:
“Yesterday afternoon, very near Gunn High School, a young woman was forced into a car and abducted. She was assaulted and later found some distance from Palo Alto. The PAPD does not yet have a suspect in custody. Several weeks ago, there was also an incident involving a female student at Castilleja.
Ensuring the safety of our students is one of our most important priorities at Paly and we need your help to do that. Please make sure that there is always someone who knows where you are going and when you will be there. Avoid walking or being alone in the areas around the Paly campus. Walk home with friends. Keep your cell phones on when you are going to and from campus and check in with each other to make sure your friends are safe.
Lastly, all visitors to our campus are required to check in at the front office and should be wearing a visitor’s badge. If you see anyone suspicious on campus, please report it to a staff member immediately.”