Earlier this month, The Paly Voice video taped an exclusive press conference with Jacqueline McEvoy, the principal of Palo Alto High.
The clips from the conference can be found here:
“With the district’s growing enrollment, would you suggest adding on to the two highschools, or opening some sort of charter school?”.
“According to many Paly students, there has been conversation about the increased adult supervision at the dances, mainly about the flashlights, and the adults stopping people from dancing. What promted these actions, and will it be the case in the future?”.
“A student was arrested when Seniors last year flipped a car onto the senior bench area, how would you have differently handled the situation?”.
“Is there going to be a sole drive to this new administration, whether it be to raise test scores, or student attendance, or grauation rates?”.
“Do you think Paly has changed to close the achievement gap?”.
“Some students have been complaining about the closing of the MRC to socializing, what do you think of this policy?”.
“What persuaded you to leave your previous job at San Mateo to come to Paly?”.