Palo Alto students will meet to discuss the reality of teen drinking and what should be done about it on Wed. March 28, 2007 at the Lucie Stern Community Center.
Any student can attend the event, whether they drink or not.
The Halloween-drinking incident in October of 2006 spurred many Palo Alto parents into action, and a town meeting was called in an attempt to face off with teen drinking. Now, the City Council is trying to pass an act that would make the serving of alcohol when minors are present a misdemeanor.
But since the original episode, the voices of students have not been heard as clearly as they should. The City Council has essentially gathered all the facts from every source except the students. In the November town meeting, the Council heard from Palo Alto parents, teachers, and law enforcement. On Wednesday, students from all schools are invited to an event where they will be able to freely voice their opinions about the problem facing Palo Alto.
The meeting is to take place from 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. at the Lucie Stern Community Center, and is only open to students.
Community service hours will be offered for those who attend, as will dinner and a raffle. The event is sponsored by the Palo Alto Youth Council and the Palo Alto Drug and Alcohol Collaborative.