The Paly Voice asked people around campus what they thought about voluntary practices for high school sports.
“You shouldn’t be cut from the team since it’s out of the season, if you can be cut then they should call it a year long sport” Alex Greene – Sophomore
“I don’t think that voluntary practices are good. They take up too much time.” Stevie Madearis – Junior
“I don’t know anything about voluntary practices” Michelle Mastromatteo – Freshman
“The article in the Palo Alto Weekly is out of line, you cannot give it any credence” Mr. Hansen – Coach
“It’s not cool what they’re doing” Florence Hsiao – Sophomore
“I don’t think they should have voluntary practices, because then people can go to after school math contests instead” Adrian Sanborn – Senior
“They shouldn’t be required, but if you want to get better at the sport then you should go anyways and practice by yourself” Lily Feng – Senior
“I think that voluntary practices are great, since they can be used to improve the team.” Wes Duplantier – Junior