The Palo Alto Educators Association, the teacher’s union for the city’s public school district, issued a statement this afternoon condemning Palo Alto school board member Rowena Chiu and revoking its endorsement of her.
The statement followed an emergency meeting of the organization’s representative council last night. The meeting was called to discuss the group’s public reaction to the recent controversy surrounding Chiu’s reposting on Monday of a social media post regarding comments at last week’s board meeting on requiring Ethnic Studies as a graduation requirement. The post contained racist and threatening comments toward district employee Danae Reynolds. A group of former Palo Alto school board trustees issued a letter Thursday criticizing Chiu’s online behavior and the Palo Alto Management Association called for her resignation from the school board.
The PAEA statement pointed to Chiu’s recent engagement with the post on social media.
“Ms. Chiu’s decision to associate herself with racist comments against a PAUSD staff member on a social media platform establishes an alarming and dangerous precedent,” the statement said. “We categorically condemn this post and all hate speech.”
The PAEA endorsed Rowena Chiu in the 2024 school board election.
According to a PAEA member speaking on condition of confidentiality, the private PAEA meeting last night asked union site representatives to vote on a PAEA general statement.
“There was a draft statement presented to us,” the members said. “The members made a motion that passed, which amended the draft to include a statement revoking an endorsement of Chiu.”
The PAEA statement called for a reflection on the events of the past week.
“As educators, we strongly believe people can learn and evolve through courageous conversations,” Chiu said. “As such, we formally request that Trustee Chiu and all PAUSD Board Members engage in a structured, third-party discussion with an impartial subcontracted mediator to examine actions based on Board Policies, advise trustees on their roles, and look at the effects of their behavior in public and private spheres.”
Awake not woke • Feb 1, 2025 at 5:54 pm
Cancel culture needs to stop. Rowena didn’t cave to the woke left so they are punishing her. They told a Chinese woman that her voice didn’t matter because she wasn’t enough of a minority now they’re claiming she’s a racist. The parents of Palo Alto are siding with Rowena, we see right through this hypocrisy.
Anonymous • Jan 31, 2025 at 5:05 pm
Ms Chiu like / retweeted a post calling out the bullying she suffered.
Nothing was racist about the post itself. AT ALL.
Too bad PAEA caved to the bullying crowd, amplifying A LIE.
This is the same lying bullying crowd that could not hold a civil discourse during the Jan 23 board meeting. I urge any reader to go watch the meeting and make up your own mind!
Max S. • Feb 1, 2025 at 12:27 am
Ms. Chiu reposted a tweet that was making false claims about Ms. Reynolds and filled with racially targetted comments, from an account that posts violently anti-black rhetoric. While maybe not outright malicious, this is an insanely negligent action as an elected official.
Paly Teacher • Feb 1, 2025 at 7:41 am
Thank you student journalists for continuing to show the power of young people to provide reason, compassion and voice to issues where too many adults (such as the poster above) make unsubstantiated, biased claims. Words matter. Facts matter. Keep going!