Turkey Trot relocated to Peery Center

Dylan Fu, Managing Editor

Due to the drastic drop in air quality in the past few days as a result of the ongoing fires, the 14th annual Turkey Trot will take place place in the Peery Family Center during lunch today.

“Since the air quality these past few days has been so bad, we are moving the even indoors this year into the Peery Center,” event coordinator and Palo Alto High School parent Kristen Andersen said. “However, we are happy that we are able to continue this wonderful tradition and not have to cancel the event.”

The Turkey Trot is a yearly event that gives students a chance to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal early. In exchange for $5, students can can indulge in of turkey, stuffing and pie, along with a variety of other sides during an extended lunch period. Gluten free and vegetarian options are also available.

“Turkey Feast is a long held tradition at Paly,” Andersen stated in an email. “It originally was started at [Henry M. Gunn High School] by former Palo Alto Unified School District Board Member Camille Townsend to help students who were not from the United States learn about Thanksgiving, but it has since become one of our largest community building events.”

This year, changes were made to the way students can pay for the meal as well as the food being served.  

In past years, students could also choose to pay $3 and donate two cans of food in exchange for the meal. However, students can still donate canned goods and toiletries to bins located in the Tower Building, according to a statement by Student Activities Director Matt Hall. 

Furthermore, according to event coordinator Andersen, the Turkey Trot will no longer be serving home-cooked food due to a change in district policy. 

Some things have remained consistent. Keeping in line with past years, all proceeds from the event will be donated to the Ecumenical Hunger Program in East Palo Alto through its annual Ecumenical Hungers Holiday Drive.

“The Turkey Trot is an opportunity for parents to express appreciation for our Paly community and serve our greater community at the same time through donations to Ecumenical Hungers Holiday Food Drive,” Andersen said.