Spirit Week Day Five Preview: Will the seniors defend their crown?
October 25, 2018

With Spirit Week coming to a close at Palo Alto High School, Friday will determine whether the camouflage-clad seniors defend their lead, or if Paly Pride Day will see them succumb to a lower-classman upset.
As of the latest scores released by the Associated Student Body, the seniors have a comfortable lead with the juniors trailing by 2,150 points. The sophomores and freshmen are a close third and fourth, with the sophomores behind 335 points and the freshmen down an additional 300 points, according to the Paly ASB website. Friday’s two rallies mark the last opportunity for any class to gain points ahead of Homecoming, where the victor will be crowned.
The final day of Spirit Week is Paly Pride Day. The freshman, sophomore and junior classes will come dressed in green and white while the senior class will sport camouflage as per Paly tradition.
The first of the two Friday rallies, the lunch rally, will have students face off in a relay race while judges determine the best dressed. The after-school rally will see the debut of the grades’ spirit dance and float.
Senior and ASB Vice President Ben Rapperport is confident that the senior class will come out victorious.
“Considering we’re the most skilled, the strongest, the fastest and the most intelligent, we will win,” Rapperport said. “Not because it’s rigged, but because we are better than everyone else around us.”
While the senior class is confident they can win, the freshmen are hopeful for an upset.
“I am very hopeful for the next few rallies,” ASB Freshman President Phoebe Kim said via email. “I really hope that our class can pull through and get third place.”
However for Kim, who wins and who loses is not what is most important.
“If and while we lose, we should have fun along the way,” Kim stated via email. “As cheesy as it sounds, make new friends while at it.”