Palo Alto High School’s Spirit Week will continue with Day Three and the theme of class colors. The freshmen will wear orange, sophomores red, juniors yellow, and seniors green.
On Day One, the seniors were in the lead with 2400 points, followed closely by the juniors with 2200, the sophomores with 1500, and the freshmen with 1300. While official scores for Day Two have yet to be released, the seniors’ victory in today’s lunch rally activity, tug of war, will add to their running total.
According to Spirit Commissioner Sarah Mitz, many students look forward to color day during Spirit Week.
“Each grade dresses up in their class color,” Mitz said. “Usually this is the day where we see people go all out.”
Color day is also highly anticipated because of the conflicting schedule during last year’s Spirit Week, according to senior Senior Class President Noga Hurwitz.
“Wednesday’s dress up is especially exciting because last year we didn’t have school due to the PSAT so I’m hoping that people really go out,” Hurwitz said.
The senior class will look to extend their Spirit Week lead on day three by winning the annual class relay competition at the lunch rally.
According to Junior Class president Caroline Furrier, the relay activities this year will be similar to previous years.
“There is going to be orange pass, ball hop, wheelbarrow, egg walk, ball pass, and skin the snake,” Furrier said.
“There are also going to be 34 students from every class participating,” Spirit Commissioner Samantha Embersits added.
The rally will be during lunch at the football field and judges will be giving scores for the class relay, the best dressed students, cheers, cleanliness, and sportsmanship.
With 34 competitors from each team, the relay will be day three’s most important competition as the winners will receive 1500 points with the second, third, and fourth place classes receiving 1200, 1000, and 800 respectively.
The cheers will be worth the second most points, as the winners will receive 800 points while the other classes will receive 700, 600, or 500 points depending on their position.
The the class that wins best dressed will receive 500 points while the following classes will receive 400, 300, or 200 points.
Classes will not receive any points for showing good sportsmanship or cleanliness, however they will be docked off points if they fail to show appropriate sportsmanship and cleanliness in the bleachers.
Day three will not feature a night rally as it has in the past years.