Season 21 of the ABC television show The Bachelor has had its fair share of drama, from the Corinne and Taylor rivalry, to Nick’s sudden doubts in the process.

Palo Alto High School InFocus is debuting its first season The Paly Bachelor, starring senior Alex Beaudry.
In its first season, the Paly Bachelor is expected to be filled surprises. Even the bachelor himself is unsure of what is to come.
“I’ve never actually seen the show so I’m not sure what to expect,” Beaudry said. “I’m gonna just try and be myself and see what happens.”
Although he is new to the process, Beaudry has enjoyed his experience thus far.
“In all honesty it’s pretty great,” Beaudry said. “It’s a little weird getting recognized by everybody on campus, but I’m used to it now that I’ve been an anchor for so long. And it’s pretty funny getting asked by random people if they can get a date with me. I feel like I’ve become a minor celebrity and I love it!”
Beaudry is excited to see the turnout of Paly students.
“I’m looking forward to see who signs up for this,” Beaudry said. “In all honesty I’m half expecting half of the sign ups to be boys, which I think would be hilarious.”
According to Beaudry, the live interview is expected to air tomorrow, but the date segment will not come out until next week.
Beaudry hopes to make the Paly Bachelor a new Paly tradition.
“I’m not sure yet, but you might be able to look forward to more Paly Bachelor segments in the future,” Beaudry said. “I’m just trying to brighten people’s day and bring a smile to people’s faces, so I hope people enjoy this.”
Unfortunately, the process has not been so positive for all participants. Freshman Sam Hirschman applied to vie for Beaudry’s heart, but did not make the cut.
“I got rejected in Spanish class,” Hirschman said. “I cried. It sounds like they’re uncomfortable with gay relations, and that’s no bueno.”
While Hirschman may not be looking forward to the show’s premier, sophomore Henry Saul is especially excited.
“I love Alex Beaudry, and I love the bachelor,” Saul said. “I am very excited to see him with some of his favorite ladies.”