As Palo Alto High School’s winter sports teams build chemistry and prepare for league play with vigor, the new captains of the soccer, wrestling and basketball teams enter the scene ready to take on the field, the floor and the court. Let’s meet the captains.
Girls’ Soccer
The girl’s varsity soccer team once again shown its excellence on the field with a stunning 11-0 victory over El Camino High School (0-6, 0-0) on Thursday, and is currently on a five-game undefeated streak in its preseason matches.

Meet Emily Tomz. Junior co-captain Tomz began playing soccer when she was five years old, and joined girls’ varsity soccer her freshman year.
ET: “I was selected by [my coaches] to be a team captain this year along with [senior] Natalie Maloney. It is an honor and [an] amazing opportunity to help lead such a wonderful team.”
PV: What does being a captain entail, and what are you looking forward to most this season?
ET: “The responsibility of a captain is to be a leader, to bring the team together both on and off the field, to be a hard worker and to motivate and encourage teammates. This season I am looking forward to bonding with an incredible group of girls and being the best team that we can be. We have already proved that we can work together well and play great soccer, so I can’t wait to see what the rest of the season brings.”
PV: What will next year look like following the graduation of senior players?
ET: “Next season, after the current seniors graduate, we will definitely miss an enormous part of the team. Each senior is an amazing soccer player and individual, and we will definitely miss their spirit, work ethic and energy for Paly soccer. But, in the past years we have lost incredible classes as well, so there is no doubt that we will continue to strive to succeed even as the team changes.”
To meet more Paly winter sport captains, click one of the links below:
Girls’ Basketball: Lauren Koyama
Girls’ Basketball: Skylar Burris
Girls’ Soccer: Natalie Maloney
Boys’ Basketball: Miles Tention