The Associated Student Body will no longer offer inflatable objects or a full meal during Field Day, an annual extended lunch event tomorrow on the Quad.
A recently revised Palo Alto city ordinance prohibits inflatable structures “except in designated areas of Mitchell Park.”
Because previous years’ games often included inflatable objects, ASB members sought to compile a list of alternative games this year, including a dunk tank, a rock wall, euro bungee and human foosball.
“There was a new city ordinance which is why we can’t have all the normal inflatables,” Senior Vice President Bryn Carlson said. “But we worked really hard to find other solutions so we think that it’s still going to be a good event.”
And unlike previous years, ASB will no longer provide a full lunch in its attempt to reduce waste, according to ASB Vice President Anmol Nagar.
“From the past, we’ve had a lot of leftovers, so we wanted to avoid the waste,” Nagar said. “People go to Town and Country, and then they come back to hangout and play games on the Quad anyway.”
Instead, Sports Commissioner Ariya Momeny said that ASB will offer large Otter Pops.
“We decided that a lot of people aren’t on campus during Field Day, so we didn’t want to spend a lot of money on burgers,” Momeny said. “So instead we’re doing Otter Pops.”
Despite the changes this year, many students are looking forward to the annual event as a time to unwind during their end of year exams.
“Even though there are no inflatables, I think this will be a great way to relax after APs [Advanced Placement testing],” junior Maddie Frick said.