This week, The Paly Voice sat down with Palo Alto High School Principal Kim Diorio to ask her to compile a list of a few of her favorite songs.
According to Diorio, she enjoys seeing her daughter share the same pleasure that she has while listening to music.
“She [my daughter] is really into whatever’s on the radio and dancing,” Dioro said. “We do dance parties at our house now — we just turn the radio on and we’ll do Katy Perry radio or something.”
Some of her song choices remind her of a specific memory or person.
Rio – Duran Duran (reminds her of her first crush/ first favorite band)
Let It Go – Idina Menzel (reminds her of her children)
What A Wonderful World – Louis Armstrong (reminds her of her father)
Crush – Dave Mathews Band (reminds her of her wedding)
Billie Jean – Michael Jackson
Fragile – Sting
In My Life – Beatles (reminds her of her mother-in-law)
Like I Love You – Justin Timberlake
Sugar – Maroon 5
Beautiful Day – U2