— TONE.3.28.22: Mourning Ernesto Cruz, Career Speaker Series
Jason Lin and Jeffrey Tu | March 28, 2022
Find all the episodes of TONE here.
Tu: Welcome back Paly, and also new listeners for morning announcements. I’m Jeffrey Tu.
Lin: And I’m Jason Lin, and we’ll be recapping the week’s events in this episode of The Paly Voice TONE.
Tu: The Paly Voice published an obituary this week of the sudden loss of Ernesto Cruz, who was a popular campus supervisor and soccer coach. He passed away on Saturday at the age of 55.
Lin: Following a student-run petition for more plant-based school lunch options, Paly food service staff have discussed making some changes to their program. You can read more about it at the Paly Voice.
Tu: The Paly Voice reported this week on the career Speaker Series during Prime. The event featured speakers including the two-time Grammy Award-winning composer Christopher Tin. Three-time Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist Janelle Wang, and Stanford Neurodiversity Project Director Lawrence Feng.
Lin: The Campanile reported on how the North Ventura coordinated area plan that was slated to be completed by the summer of 2020 has dragged on with debates over the future housing density, zoning, and funding.
Tu: Verde Magazine reported that senior Neil Rathi finished eighth the Regeneron Science Talent Search 2022 that was held last week winning $60,000. His project analyze the similarities between languages using AI. Santa Clara County COVID cases are still at 380,000, an increase of only 140 from last week. At Paly, the cases have reached 171, an increase of just two from last week despite the lift mask mandates.
Lin: And for this week’s fact, the world’s loudest bird is the White Bellbird. Found in Venezuela, its voice can reach levels of up to 125 decibels, enough to cause immediate damage to the human ear.
Tu: This has been the Voice TONE. Thanks for listening, and see more news at palyvoice.com