For the final day of Spirit Week, Palo Alto High School students are perfecting their Spirit Dances and getting out their green and white clothes for “Paly Pride Day.”
The last day will showcase school-wide unity with freshmen, sophomores and juniors all wearing Paly colors of green and white. Seniors plan to wear camouflage and their class jerseys.
The two rallies of the day will be held at lunch and after school. The lunch rally will have two main events: “Mummy Wrapping” and “Pumpkin Bowling.” In “Mummy Wrapping,” a group of four students will participate to try and best wrap a person in toilet paper, and the best mummy will receive 100 points. “Pumpkin Bowling” consists of rolling a pumpkin into bowling pins. The grade with the most pins down after two rounds will receive 100 points.
After these two events, the much awaited teacher dance will occur.

“I am really excited for the teacher dance,” senior Kristen Carey said. “It’s really funny to see your teachers not being so serious.”
After school is the final Spirit Week rally,which will feature and will feature the Spirit Dances and the floats that students have built over the course of the week. The floats will be judged on their stuffing, theme, creativity and overall look. The class with the best float will be awarded 1,000 points.
“I’m so proud of how much effort the sophomore class has put into the float,” sophomore Vice President Anmol Nagar said. “Not only that, they have been so dedicated to staying after float building ends to help keep Mr. Knight’s classroom clean. Our grade has come so far since last year, and I’m so proud of the class unity that we have achieved this year.”
In the past, the float and the Spirit Dance have been very intermixed, but this year, the Spirit Dance rules have changed. Now, instead of a dance team consisting only of five boys and five girls from each class, there is no maximum number of participants, and each grade’s participant will automatically count as an additional point. Because of the large number of participants, the dance will be on both the field and track.
“The seniors have worked so hard on their dance this year,” senior Jamie Garcia said. “I can’t wait for everyone to see it. It looks absolutely amazing, and it is going to be exactly what we need to pull ahead and win [Spirit Week].”

The Spirit Dance will be judged by artistry, execution, theme and overall look. The class with the best dance will be awarded 1,000 points.
“The juniors are very close to united, which puts us ahead of other grades,” junior Chris Crews-Holloway said.
The juniors have had a clear lead throughout Spirit Week, but because the most points are awarded on are on Friday, almost any class could potentially take the lead. After Friday, all scores from Spirit Week will be added up, and the winning results will be revealed at Homecoming on Saturday.
Make sure to keep up with all things Spirit Week, including recaps and point break-downs, by checking back with The Paly Voice.