The Multicultural Club integrates foreign students into the Palo Alto community by educating students on the acceptance of individuals with cultural differences.
“We started this club because Michelle [junior president of Multicultural Speakers Club] was a new student [two years ago] from China, and she didn’t feel like she fit in,” event manager sophomore Anisha Patwardhan said. “This club is meant to integrate new [and foreign] students into Paly.”
According to Patwardhan, while many clubs teach students about cultures, the Multicultural Club teaches students about acceptance.
During lunches, the club plans to have cultural foods with presentations from students and speakers from outside of school. The club also plans to host Palo Alto High School’s first official international day, which club members will be heavily involved with. International Day will be an all-day school event with performances, talent shows, food and cultural set ups, according to Patwardhan.
The Multicultural Club also hopes to write a book about students’ experiences at Paly, according to Patwardhan.
“A few of us will be the main writers,” Patwardhan said. “Students can come up to us and share their stories, and we’ll type them up and take pictures.”
Tang and Patwardhan are both very excited to have their club become a part of the Paly community.
“We try to integrate international students, which is great because they really have cool stories to share,” Patwardhan said.
Meetings are every Tuesday at lunch in room 812. Junior president Michelle Tang can be reached at “[email protected]”.
Editor’s note: This version of the story correctly states that Michelle Tang came to Paly two years ago.