Bo Cheli is teaching freshmen and sophomores in both the accelerated and regular lanes of English. Previously, Cheli taught for eight years in San Jose and for four years at Homestead High School, where he regularly taught juniors and seniors.
The Paly Voice: What did you do this summer?
Bo Cheli: This summer I went camping for three weeks with my family. I interviewed for this job and got it. I hung out a lot with my family and went to all of my daughter’s soccer tournaments.
TPV: What do you do in your free time?
BC: Play. I like to play sports with my wife. We’re on a couple intramural teams together. I like to rock climb, indoor and outdoor. Mostly [I like to] wrestle with my kids and play in the backyard. I recently discovered a game called Spike Ball, it’s a really fun game. As cheesy as it sounds I like to think about my classes and fun things we can do in my class, [such as] fun ways to teach them traditionally boring things.
TPV: What is your favorite part of teaching?
BC: There’s lots. Showing students how fun it is to actually learn stuff that they used to think was boring and traditional, so actually igniting their knowledge for learning. That sounds so cheesy but getting to see how learning is actually really enjoyable.
TPV: Do you have a favorite app?
BC: I can’t say I have any favorite apps. I’m not a big app guy, I’m just usually busy playing. Maybe [my favorite app is] GPS so I don’t get lost.
TPV: Do you have pets?
BC: I have two dogs and a snake and lots of fish.
TPV: What is the last movie you saw and did you like it?
BC: “Snowpiercer.” It was On-Demand, you know that guy that plays Captain America? So it’s like his newest movie that not a lot of people have seen but it’s about these … people on a train and the train is the last thing that exists in the world and it’s like traveling around the world and it was actually really good.”
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