The Palo Alto High School softball season ended this year with an overwhelming losing record of three wins and 24 losses, one step further in the wrong direction from last season’s 7-18 record.
Even so, the season fell short of expectations, according to junior shortstop Hannah Bundy.
“The season was a little rough this year,” Bundy said. “After seeing our team practice at the beginning of the season and our first couple games we had high hopes for how we were going to play. But unfortunately we didn’t end up reaching that expectation.”
Senior centerfielder Anna Rizza echoed this sentiment.
“I definitely thought the season was going to go better than it did,” Rizza said. “We started off with pre-season conditioning and workouts which I thought would help a lot, but it didn’t seem to transfer over.”
Yet this season was a step up from last year, according to Bundy.
“We didn’t lose like last year when it came to getting run ruled, we would just have one inning that really hurt us and wouldn’t be able to pull out that win,” Bundy said.
The season was not all bad, however. Close team chemistry made the losses easier to handle, according to Rizza.
“Highlights would definitely be our dress up days when we did them and just being able to be around my teammates,” Rizza said. “We always had a lot of fun and made the best out of our bad situations.”
Next season, the team will be short Rizza and senior infielder Maya Padilla.
“We are losing a key infielder and our center fielder for next year which we will really miss,” Bundy said. “Although, I think we have girls who will step it up and play well next year.”
Bundy hopes the season will be rewarding and entail more wins as the team will be competing in the lower El Camino division next year, as opposed to the more competitive De Anza league that they were in this year.
“We are all hoping and wanting to have a much better season next year because we are unfortunately dropping down a league,” Bundy said. “I’m excited for next year and hoping for a good season for my senior year.”
To Rizza and the other seniors, Paly softball will be greatly missed.
“I’ll probably miss playing the most,” Rizza said. “I’m not playing in college and will probably have withdrawal for a little bit. I’ll also miss the girls a ton.”