Palo Alto High School’s symphonic band earned a “superior” ranking at last weekend’s California Music Education Association festival, one of the band’s last events of the school year.
The festival, held at Henry M. Gunn High School on April 13, is an annual music competition that Paly has historically done very well in, this year being no exception.
“We did pretty well,” junior Chloe Zilliac said. “We got an overall superior, and an excellent in site reading.”
Paly band has been practicing for the past few months, working to prepare songs for the competition. However, now that the musicians have accomplished their goal of superior ratings, they can begin exploring other music again.
“We spent several months preparing the music for CMEA,” Zilliac said, “[but now] we will be working on some new music.”
The Symphonic band will be performing at the May Fete Parade on May 4 and graduation on May 29, as well as at an official concert on May 9.