Salutations, readers. Becca Raffel, Callie Walker and Sam Kelley, otherwise known as the Impatient Bakers, decided to make a luscious batch of chocolate chip blondies on another lonely Friday night. Upon our Raffel family-hosted partying spree, we were struck with a clean case of the “munchies” and were compelled, nay, forced, to bake our hearts away into the night. We followed Smitten Kitchen’s blondie recipe.
First, you need a stick of butter, brown sugar, a large egg, vanilla, salt and semisweet chocolate chips.
Butter an 8×8 pan, and you’re in business.
Mix 8 tablespoons melted butter with 1 cup of brown sugar until it’s smooth.
Then beat in the egg and one teaspoon vanilla.
Add a pinch of salt, 1 cup flour, and 1/2 to 3/4 cup of semisweet chocolate chips.
Make sure Sam doesn’t eat it all because he’s a little gluttonous witch.
Now, spread the batter into the prepared pan.
Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes. We actually forgot to set the timer, so we had to guess when to take it out. Wait 10 minutes to cut the blondies.
It tastes great by itself or with ice cream. Now doesn’t that look delightful? We can assure you it tasted just as divine as it appeared. Make your own and you won’t be disappointed. Check back next time for our next edition of Impatient Bakers, loyal followers!
ilovebaking • Jan 26, 2013 at 10:35 pm
mmm looks yummy! can’t wait to try this one. i love the impatient bakers, keep it up guys!