The Palo Alto High School health office now resides in room 15 of the Tower Building, in the previous location of the auditor.
The lack of office space available for all office staff members prompted the move, according to principal Phil Winston.
“We have more people than we have space,” Winston said. “It [the health office] doesn’t really need to be that big, because if students really need that kind of attention, they should go home.”
Other staff members’ offices have been moved to accommodate for the change.
“Inside of that space [the old auditor’s office], we now have Christina Owen, the head of community service, Beth Martin, our volunteer coordinator and Julia Sing, who is the auditor,” Winston said.
Further, Winston says that the change in location will not change the service of the care that the health office provides.
“We’re still going to be able to offer the same level of service, the same kindness and the same goodies, just in a smaller location,” he said.
Heather Kavanagh, one of the school’s two health-technicians, thinks that the process of moving the health supplies was smoothly facilitated.
“It’s quite a bit smaller, but we were able to move all of the necessary items,” Kavanagh said. “Everything that’s important is here, and it’s a good location. So far it has worked out just fine.”