This year, Palo Alto High School’s English and history departments have embraced change by adding four new teachers; Chris Eggert, Caitlin Evans, Steven Gallagher and Mimi Park join Paly’s faculty.
It is not easy being a new teacher, but according to Park, who teaches four sections of freshman English, the transition has gone fairly smoothly.
“Everyone’s been really supportive,” Park said. “There are always people there offering to help me and answer my questions.”
Nevertheless, less than three weeks into the year, these teachers are still getting used to their new environment.
“One [challenge] is learning all the new systems,” Gallagher said.
Park agrees that along with the excitement of teaching at a new school, some parts of the transition can be a bit difficult.
“[My biggest challenge] is learning how to use the copier,” Park said, laughing.
Eggert, who teaches World History, is also still getting the feel of the school, and in the process he is discovering what a special school Paly really is.
“[The hardest part for me] is coming up with interesting, educational lesson plans each day,” Eggert said. “The students are so bright and inquisitive. I see them working hard, I see them supporting one another, and it’s really special.”
Evans, who teaches Psychology, agrees with Eggert.
“The students are all so driven, and Paly has so many unique opportunities to offer them,” Evans said.
Park, Eggert, Gallagher, and Evans are all looking forward to the school year.
“I’m excited, so excited,” Park said.