Students have been bundling up both in and out of Palo Alto High School classrooms since Tuesday as a result of the broken heaters.
The electrical system controlling the heaters broke down before Thanksgiving break and has yet to be completely fixed, according to Assistant Principal Jerry Berkson. However, Berkson said that heaters in certain buildings have been repaired and that a lot of the classrooms are better.
As of 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, both the Tower Building and library were 68 degrees. Librarian Rachel Kellerman said this was quite an improvement, as library temperatures plunged to 55 degrees on Tuesday. It was even colder than the outside temperature of 56.4 degrees.
“I feel like I’m working in a Dickens novel!” Kellerman exclaimed on Tuesday.
Despite California’s reputation for warm and sunny weather, students can be found wearing puffer jackets, fuzzy hats and thick scarves in their unheated classrooms.
“It’s like an ice box in here [the big gym],” Physical Education teacher Jason Fung said.
On the other hand, Academic Resource Center Coordinator Noel Beitler said she enjoys the cold weather.
“I like it being too cold rather than too hot, because with global warming I get freaked out whenever the temperatures are above average,” she said. “The cold to me is a great chance to bust out cold weather clothes.” She pointed to her outfit of knee-high boots and her favorite red jacket.
The cold front will stick around well into next week, so students are encouraged to dress warmly and to wear layers.
From the health office, Nurse Terri Weber advises students to stay healthy during the cold season.
“Be careful of sharing things, such as pens and pencils,” she cautioned.