The senior class remains in the lead of Spirit Week after today’s poolside lunch rally.
Today was Salad Dressing day. Freshmen dressed in athletic gear following their theme of Healthy Choice, sophomores donned cowboy attire as Ranch dressing, juniors wore beach attire as Thousand Island dressing and seniors wrapped themselves in togas as Caesar dressing.
All of the classes retained their places from yesterday. The seniors ended the day with 705 points with the juniors in second at 651 points. The sophomores and freshmen trailed behind with 442 and 277 points, respectively.
The first rally activity was a boogie board race in which a boy and girl from each class took turns pulling each other across the pool. After several rounds, the juniors and seniors competed in a final race and ended up tying. The seniors accused the juniors of cheating in the race but ASB did not call a do-over. Sophomores came in third and freshmen came in fourth.
Next, the classes competed in a race that involved crossing the pool and changing clothes. Ian Schubert won this race for the seniors.
The final competition of the day was for the title of “Best Dressed” student. After the freshmen and sophomores were eliminated, a cheer-off named juniors Mariah Phillips and Ben Morag best dressed over seniors Kira Billman and Peter Wilson.
10 points were docked from the freshmen for leaving trash behind after the rally and 10 points were taken from the juniors in the sportsmanship category.
Tomorrow is class color day. Freshmen will dress in orange, sophomores in red, juniors in yellow and seniors in green.
There will be a rally tomorrow during advisory in the big gym and another at lunch in the quad.