The Tall Tree Fest, a carnival to celebrate the end of the school year, will be held from 3 p.m to 7 p.m Friday, May 22, at Gunn High School.
All Gunn and Paly students are welcome to attend the Tall Tree Fest. The carnival will have activities including a cookie-tasting competition and tasting, free games including the dunk tank and gladiator joust, food and live music, according to Charlotte Keeler, the Gunn student body vice president.
“The Gunn SEC [Student Executive Council] is hosting the Tall Tree Fest,” Keeler said. “[It is] a really big, fun way to celebrate that [the] summer is coming. We hope that people will come to eat good food, enjoy the free cookies and rides, and simply hang out with their friends on the lawn to listen to the bands.”
The event will have snow cones and cotton candy and many clubs and groups will be selling food and baked goods. The Old Pro, Costco, El Grullense, and student clubs will provide classic American food, pizza, hearty Mexican food, and baked goods.
Bands that will perform at the event include Furious George and Corner Street Light from Paly and two Gunn bands, Mr. Holmes and Justin Alfrey.
The event, which originated last year, will continue to serve as a way to take a break from school and bring about an exciting beginning to summer.
“Last year SEC hosted a carnival but this year we wanted our big event to have more of a focus on music and food,” Keeler said. “I do believe that SEC will continue to host a big end of the year event.”
Admission is free but attendants will have to pay for food.
The SEC is Gunn’s version of Paly’s Associated Student Body, or ASB.