The Paly Voice asked students what they thought about Hillary Rodham Clinton being the new secretary of state.
“It’s the Devil’s work.” — Josh Newby, junior
“Good choice.”– Chirag Krishna, sophomore
“I think its good that they resolved their differences so they can work together; we need all the help we can get, even though Hillary is an angry radical.” — Conor Kelly, senior
“I have no comment.” — Jay Nguyen, senior
“I think it’s contradictory to Obama’s promise of change.” — Tim Kim, junior
“I think Obama is in debt to Clinton, as she rallied her supporters back to him. So Obama had to give her a position.” — Austin Shiau, sophomore
“Hillary Clinton is basically not right for the job, but a great fit at the same time… She could be really great or really bad.” — Jack Lawrence, junior
“My only concern is that there is a feeling that he [Barack Obama] is paying a debt for taking her chances of becoming president.” — Michileen Oberst, sophomore