The Paly Voice asked students and staff members what their ideal school district calendar would consist of.
“More summer, and start at six in the morning.” — Peter Wilson, junior
“My idea is to start in mid-August, have finals before break, and end in May.” — Jean Kim, senior
“I would make it less stressful.” — Audrey Chan, junior
“Getting rid of awkward holidays by having every holiday connect with the weekend.” — Toby Lee, freshman
“Moving the start date to September and ending earlier.” — Vivian Bullard, freshman
“No ski week because it takes a week off of summer. It’s a pointless vacation.” — Felicity Short, freshman
“Other schools have six marking periods, which I think would be interesting because progress reports don’t really mean anything.” — Chris Proctor, English teacher
“Finals before break because having them after winter break sucks because you’re always thinking about finals and studying.” — Amanda Young, junior
“Split up finals; have some subjects before break and others after. And bring ski week back.” — Eliot Snow, senior