The Las Vegas-themed Homecoming Dance will be 7:30 p.m to 10:30 p.m Saturday, Oct. 25, in the big gym.
“Wear what you would if you were going out on the town,” junior Social Commissioner Emily Kenyon said. “So bright, flashy colors, and guys should look like high rollers. It’s semi-formal, so girls should wear dresses and guys in nice shirts.”
Students will be able to recommend songs to play at the dance in advance by talking to junior social commissioners Nicole Varveris and Kenyon.
Students will also be able to vote for their class’ homecoming king and queen this week on the quad or in the Student Activities Office. The kings and queens will be crowned during the football game on Friday night.
Both Paly’s and Gunn’s Homecoming dances this year occur on the same night, which “was a result of poor planning,” Kenyon said.
Some students are not bothered by this scheduling conflict.
“I think it’s better this way,” sophomore Rachel Stober said. “It’s annoying to have Gunn people at our dances anyway.”
Paly senior Tess Bellomo said, “I don’t really care … we’re always better at everything anyway.”
Gunn junior Sarah Powell agreed, saying, “I don’t care that much.”
All students will be breathalyzed at the door at Paly. This policy will be in place at the Gunn dance for the first time. Though many students may find the breathalyzers irritating, students are still encouraged to come to the dance according to Kenyon.
“The breathalyzer rule discourages a lot of students from coming,” Kenyon said. “If people came and gave it a chance they’ll still have a lot of fun … At the Welcome Back Dance, we had a huge turnout and everyone there had a good time.”
ASB leadership is looking forward to the dance.
“This upcoming week is one of the best of the school year, and since Homecoming is right after Spirit Week everyone’s really spirited and excited,” Kenyon said.
Tickets are available on the online store, accessible at or at the auditor’s office, for $5 with an ASB card and $10 without. Tickets will not be available at the door, so ASB encourages students should make sure to buy them beforehand. Doors will close at 8:30 p.m on Saturday.