Class schedules are wrapping up, so The Paly Voice asked students what courses they would recommend for next years’ students.
“Intro chemistry/physics. It was easy and a lot of fun.” – Alex Taser, sophomore
“I would definitely recommend Chemistry AC because it goes at the same speed as lower chemistry but it has more prestige.” – Spencer Dwight, sophomore
“Infocus for sure because it’s really relaxed and you get to show stuff to the whole school.” – Eric Vicenti, junior
“AP English because Mrs. Van Der Burg is crazy.” – Alexa Jones, senior
“AVID because it helps you plan for what your going to do in college and it helps improve your writing skills.” – Crystal Miranda, sophomore
“Business Law because you learn more about what you have to deal with later in life.” – Sean Chapman, sophomore
“Auto because it’s relaxing.” – Bryan Wells, senior
“Contemporary World because sophomores are a bundle of fun.” – Andrew Barry, Senior
“AP Statistics because Mr. Hawkins is awesome and the class is a very educational experience.” – Kushal Tantry, senior