Gunn was ranked ahead of Paly in the top public school rankings, as posted by The US News and World Report magazine. The Paly Voice asked students’ opinions on the result.
“The survey doesn’t matter.” – Tiffany Yeung, Junior
“The whole thing is kind of stupid.” – Dustin Na, Sophomore
“Those kinds of rankings are inaccurate. They don’t mean anything.” – Travis Wu, Senior
“Paly may not offer as many AP classes, but we have a lot more extra-curricular activities.” – Riley Smith, Freshman
“I like Paly spirit. The campus offers a very diverse community that is not too stressed about taking AP classes. The atmosphere at Gunn is much more tense.” – Debbie Henry, Librarian
“The poll is inaccurate. Paly is way better than Gunn in every aspect.” – DJ Hsueh, Junior
“The system is rigged. We totally beat them in sports and everything else. Everyone knows we’re the best.” – Lucas Matze, Junior
“That is unfair. Paly has always been and always will be a better school.” – Evan Berg, Junior
“This is unbelievable. Paly is way better than Gunn. We can kick their butts.” – Anabel Homnack, Freshman
“A single statistic is not representative of a school as a whole.” – David Cohen, English Department
“This survey assumes that the method of comparing schools is accurate. However, measuring how good or bad a school is is nearly impossible to do. Different schools have different characteristics that make them unique. I would say that both Paly and Gunn are good schools, but comparing Paly to Gunn would be like comparing apples to pears. Paly has been ranked ahead of Gunn in other surveys, so the result is almost insignificant.” – Radu Toma, Math Department