A sea of green, yellow, red, and orange flooded the bleachers on Paly’s quad during lunch today as hundreds of students came out to support their class for color day of Spirit Week.
Sophomores were able to secure a strong lead in spirit points by winning both lunchtime activities. All classes were off to a good start in the musical chairs activity. The competition eventually got down to one senior and three sophomores. Seniors held on as long as possible, however the sophomores swept the competition by winning with three members left in the game. For musical chairs, sophomores received first, with seniors coming in second, juniors in third, and freshmen in last.
“The freshman are getting stepped on,” sophomore Sean Mortenson said.
The second activity in today’s lunchtime rally was the hammock relay. In the relay, four guys and two girls from each class were required to participate. The first girl had to dress in a firefighter outfit, then sit in a hammock and be carried across the deck by the four guys. After crossing the first finish line, the first girl removed the firefighter apparel, and the entire process was repeated with the second girl, with the four guys carrying her across the deck to the final finish line.
In the first round, seniors raced the freshmen and dominated. Next, the juniors competed against sophomores. Juniors lost because they were unable to zip their hammock quickly enough, which delayed their relay. In the round to determine the first and second place winners, seniors competed against sophomores. Seniors started off in the lead, however, they were unable to keep it up and just barely lost to the sophomores. Again, sophomores won with seniors in a close second. Because there was not enough time for a final round to determine the third and fourth place winners, this race will take place first thing at tomorrow’s lunchtime rally.
Now halfway into Spirit Week, sophomores continue to stay in the lead, with seniors on their heels in second place.
Despite some complaints, many students have participated in and enjoyed Spirit Week so far.
“Spirit Week is cool and we get to wear awesome clothes,” freshman Carrie Adams said.
Tomorrow morning, there will be a rally in the small gym from 7:50 until 8:45. All classes are encouraged to come and earn points for their class.
Point totals through Day 3:
Freshmen – 215 *
Sophomores – 545
Juniors – 220 *
Seniors – 390
* The point totals for the freshmen and junior classes are subject to change because a tie-breaker for the hammock relay has yet to happen. The third place winner in this event can earn up to a maximum of 50 points.