Weeks after the disastrous opening ceremony of International Week, comedian Daniel Nainan’s performance is still the “talk of the school.” Considering the purpose of International Week was to bring together all the cultures of the world, Nainan’s jokes were definitely inappropriate for the occasion.
For many Paly students and staff, Nainan is the first name that comes to mind when trying to conclude on whom to blame for the catastrophic opening day. Nainan is also criticized for his character for having presented several jokes that were offensive to some students during an International Festival.
But Nainan most certainly should not have received all the blame of which students and staff have put upon him. When organizers of the festival invited Nainan to be a speaker, they expected him to lighten the mood and serve as entertainment through jokes about juxtaposing cultures. But when Nainan’s jokes became offensive and inappropriate, Nainan became the target of disrepute.
Seeing that Nainan is an acclaimed comedian, coordinators should have immediately recognized his occupation and seen video clips of his acts on multiple Web sites if any research was done at all.
If anyone is to be held responsible for this year’s memorable International Festival experience, it is the organizers of the International Festival.