As the clock hit midnight, and 2024 slipped into the past, it gave way to new beginnings. In the spirit of new year, new me, The Paly Voice asked students and staff about their New Year’s resolutions and the progress they hope to make in the next few months.
“My New Year’s resolution is to put less stress on myself when it comes to terms of classes. Whenever I have a test, I have to put less pressure on myself to do well, because I know that’s affecting my mental health. … I’m really trying to pursue this goal because it’s really helping me now, and I’m less stressed about classes and about having to do well.” — Julia Nunes, 10th grade |
“My resolution [is] to eat healthier food, more fruits and veggies. So far I have kept up with it, I bought a cookbook … [and ] I have some people that try to keep me accountable.” — Kevin Duffy, Spanish teacher |
“My New Year’s resolution is to stop putting heat on my hair. … I might be able to keep up with the goal for long periods of time, but I feel like I will still put heat on my hair.” — Genesis Suarez, 9th grade |
“My New Year’s resolutions are to get out of my house more and socialize more. Just be with my friends more, rather than … spend too much time just in my house, just by myself. My other senior year resolution is to read more because I definitely feel like I scrolled too much [on] TikTok last year. I think I will especially [keep up with it] over summer.” — Sarina Grewal, 12th grade |
“I don’t have any [New Year’s resolutions], because on the night of New Year’s I slept at 11 p.m. instead of midnight, and if you’re not in the new year, then you can’t make any resolutions. If I was to make a New Year’s resolution it would probably be to learn a new language, but I think I’d give up.” — Matthew Wei, 11th grade |