The Paly Jazz Ensemble will team up with the Jordan Jazz Band Wednesday to perform a sampler of classic jazz songs at Haymarket Theater.
“[The concert] will be a middle school outreach program,” said Jeff Willner, Paly’s band director and supervisor.
The concert will include recitals by Paly’s two jazz troupes, Jordan’s Jazz Band, a few soloists, and a final show of John Phillips Sousa’s “When the Saints Come Marching In” performed by all of the bands combined.
“Each band will only be playing about two songs,” Willner said. “But at the end, all the students will come together to perform. We have never practiced this before, and I’m looking forward to the final outcome.”
The concert will begin at 7:30 pm and is free admission.
“It will be a very fun and entertaining evening,” said Willner. “I am very excited for it.”