The sixth annual Paly "Pops Concert" grooved into history last Friday night as a rousing success for the music program and a rip-roarin’ good time for its audience.
Paly’s Concert Band, Orchestra, Symphonic Band and Jazz Band performed sets, including such crowd-pleasers as "Selections from Rocky" by the Symphonic group.
"It’s a great crowd, bigger than last year [by] almost 75 [people]," conductor Jeff Willner said. "We’ll make some money — perfect!"
"[Concert proceeds are] put toward the purchase and repair of department instruments and equipment, buying sheet music, payment for festival fees and transportation, student awards, artists in residence, and other things needed to run the department," parent and Instrumental Music Booster president Sarah Epstein said. "It costs us about $16,000 each year, much of which needs to be raised by the music boosters.
"75 tickets were sold at the door and about 500 people were in attendance, including the music students. By far, our largest swing dance ever! We’re still counting up and balancing the expenses, but I think we will make about $2,000 for the night. "
Following the formal concert, a generous dinner of pizza, salad, and various desserts was served by volunteers from the Paly Music Boosters.
"Most food was donated," Epstein said. "[Buca di] Beppo’s, Hobee’s, the [Peninsula] Creamery, Costco, Safeway, and parents [donated food.] Spot [Pizza] gave us a discount."
Sated, attendees congregated on the dance floor for a large-scale swing dance lesson, led by Barry Woodruff for the third year in a row, with accompanying music from the Jazz Band.
"I come to eat, I come to dance, I come to hear the music and to have a good time," senior and three-time attendee Marian Sayer said. "And on that note, I am going to go dance."
Reporters Kristen Barta and Anna Luskin contributed to this article.